I'm stuck in Panama with no way out... This is a long email. Grab a coffee and get situated. 😅 I drove out of Costa Rica and entered Panama on October 22nd. Once I entered the country, one border policeman informed me that nationwide protests would be starting the next day. They recommended I pick somewhere to potentially hunker down. Oh - and get gas. My girlfriend and I drove straight to Boquete, a mountain town famous for the world's best gesha coffee. We started the day at 6 AM and...
over 1 year ago • 5 min read
A mental reset... I'm currently in Costa Rica. My time here has given me a much-needed reset. I know it's never a place that gives me peace of mind or tranquility... I can experience those feelings anywhere. But it just so happens to be here in Costa Rica that everything has aligned for some clarity. A mental reset of sorts. I've been stressed the past little while, not sure what I want to get out of this trip going forward, not fully present, thinking too much instead of feeling... having a...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Making money as a writer... I recently came across an interview by Ali Abdaal (a doctor turned productivity guru) with Nicolas Cole (a popular online writer). The title of the video is “5 Ways to Make $1 Million as a Writer”. As someone who has written a lot over the years for fun on my own website and elsewhere, I sometimes play with the idea of monetizing it. How, exactly? No idea. It isn’t by monetizing this newsletter. And it definitely isn’t by doing more freelance content writing for...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
Do you have 5 minutes? Hello and Happy Sunday! 👋🏼 I like sending these emails on Mondays, but I couldn't wait this time. Don't worry - this will be a short one. In my last email, I mentioned that I would publish a video about my experience hiking up a dormant volcano to watch an active volcano erupt nearby. It's been almost 8 months since I posted a video on YouTube. It felt good to get editing again. If you have 5 minutes to spare, I just uploaded a video of my experience hiking Volcán...
over 1 year ago • 1 min read
Intentional Documentation #2 Hello and Happy Monday! 👋🏼 In my last email, I brought up the question of whether it’s better to document experiences or simply live them. I don’t believe there is a universal answer to this question, but documenting my adventures and travels throughout life has given me more meaning and purpose. I find it makes me more present and appreciative of the little things. This past week, I got sick again. I’m not sure what’s going on with my body (get it together), but...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
To document or not to document... Hi there! 👋🏼 In my last email, I said you could expect something from me in your inbox every week. And then I didn’t send anything last week… It turns out that during the rainy season in Guatemala - and specifically polluted Lake Atitlán - lots of people get sick from a parasite 🦠 that hangs out in the water and on fruits and veggies. I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say being sick in the van for 3 days was not fun. Anyhow, I’m almost 100% now...
almost 2 years ago • 3 min read
I'm becoming an Italian... Hello! 👋🏼 [Welcome to the first official email of this newsletter (that still doesn’t have a name). You can expect an email every week from me talking about travel, life, philosophy, and occasionally projects that I’m working on.] This past week, I mailed a massive stack of papers to the Italian Consulate of Miami, officially applying for Italian citizenship. I always knew that my great-grandfather came from Italy… my last name is DeCapri after all. One of my uncles...
almost 2 years ago • 3 min read
Hi, it's been a while... If you’re getting this email, then you are 1 of about 500 people who have expressed interest in getting emails from me over the last few years. Some of you wanted to learn about coffee in Brazil, while others wanted to hear more about my travels and have a conversation around my random thoughts about life. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here. Truly. It’s been a while since I’ve regularly sent emails or published content on my website. I miss writing here....
almost 2 years ago • 2 min read